Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Inclement Weather Policy

With all the recent storm activity, we would like to take a moment to pass along how the firm decides when to close the office when confronted with inclement weather so that our clients can better anticipate whether our offices will be open during such events. As our offices are located in downtown Austin, generally it is the firm's policy to follow the lead of Austin Independent School District when it comes to closures or late starts. Therefore, in the event that Austin ISD has announced a late start or outright closure of a school day, it is likely that our office will also be opening late or closed on that day. In the event the office decides to close we will try our best to make that announcement on this blog, as well as via Twitter at "carylippincott" (be sure to follow!). If you need immediate assistance, often the best way to communicate with our staff during these times is via e-mail.